Miniature American Shepherds
of Canada
Miniature American Shepherds
of Canada

Canadian Kennel Club December 2022
"We are pleased to announce that thanks to the engagement and efforts of the membership, all the proposed by-law amendments and ROEs have passed AND all six breeds have been voted to receive full recognition with the CKC!
The next step for everything that was voted on being fully recognized is with Agriculture Canada.
We look forward to seeing these breeds competing with full recognition at shows and events soon!"
The Miniature American Shepherd is on it's way to Full Recognition in Canada!

How-to instructions for applying for a Miscellaneous Certification Number (MCN) with CKC for pet owners is now available, along with a sample MCN application. You will find those documents on our "Membership & Registration" page HERE

January. 15, 2020
Notice from CKC regarding delays in getting MCN #'s to enter upcoming events:

Copy of letter from CKC explaining how to register dogs.
Dear Ms. Hartjes:
Receipt is acknowledged of your email addressed to Mrs. Bahorie and same was referred to me for a response.
If the sire and dam have each a Miscellaneous Number issued by the CKC, we will generate an individual application in order to register the puppy.
If the dam and sire do not have Miscellaneous numbers:
(a) Both dogs (dam & sire) must first be issued miscellaneous numbers by completing individual applications then, the litter must be registered.
Or, (b) The individual application must be accompanied with the appropriate recognized breed club registration certificate and or pedigree.
For dogs imported to Canada, the dog must be registered in a club recognized by CKC. A registration certificate showing the name of the current owner and a three generation pedigree must accompany the application.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Bahorie or myself.
Sincerely, Priya Bunsee